A few of our Canadian pin-trader friends have attended Dayton
Disneyana several times and they always describe it in glowing
detail. It has always sounded like something Carol would really
enjoy; so for several years we have hoped to head to Dayton for this
annual event. Alas, too many other things always seemed to
intervene. This year we decided early that nothing else should
stand in our way.
The Dayton "Plane Crazy" Chapter of the Disneyana Fan Club, who host
the event annually, describe it as “a Show & Sale of Disneyana
Collectibles and Disney Pin Trading Event” but it is actually much
more than that. It’s more like a convention for Disney fans!
This year’s event included two well known speakers; 1) Jim Hill, an
award-winning entertainment writer from Boston who written
extensively about The Walt Disney Company. 2) Jim Korkis,
an internationally respected Disney historian who has written
hundreds of articles about all things Disney for over three
Carol and our son Rob both delight in scouring Thrift Shops, Flea
Markets, Second Hand Stores and Garage Sales for Disney treasures
and they had been looking forward to this trip for months.
I don’t share their mania for collectibles, but I’d been hoping for
a somewhat different outcome. You see, my sweet, wonderful and
loving wife would be celebrating her 23rd 39th
birthday just a few days after the event. I had been hoping that
she could point to an item sometime over the weekend and say,
“That’s it – that’s exactly what I want for my birthday.” Actually,
there was no doubt in my mind that that particular scene would play
out . . . I only wondered how many times it would happen.
We live about two hours east of Toronto, almost exactly mid-way
between Toronto and Montreal. The trip to the Wyndham Garden Hotel
at Miamisburg Ohio, just south of Dayton, is 606 miles. We would be
on the road for at least 9 ˝ hours, plus any time we needed for fuel
and rest breaks so an early start was mandatory! |
Friday June 28, 2013
We were up at zero-dark-thirty and pulled away from home at 5:52
a.m., eight minutes ahead of schedule!
We crossed the Ambassador Bridge from Windsor Ontario into Detroit
Michigan at 12:10 p.m. and headed south on Interstate 75. |
At about 12:50 we crossed the Ohio State line and Carol shouted out,
“Holy Toledo, I haven’t been shopping yet!” We stopped in Toledo
and had a quick bite of lunch before Carol and Rob invaded the
Disney Store. I waited in the car and read for about a half hour
before they returned. We resumed our southward trek on I-75.
We pulled off at Exit 44 in Miamisburg Ohio at 5:30. Aside from a
few heavy rain showers the trip was uneventful. We had no traffic
troubles . . . even when we passed through the north end of
Toronto. I had expected some rush hour congestion but I was
pleasantly surprised! We made great time all day.
The Wyndham Garden is very nice, it is three wings, three stories
each, connected in a triangular shape. They create a nice central
courtyard which contains the indoor pool and hot tub. |
After stretching our legs for a bit, we unpacked and settled in to
our home for the next two nights. Rob’s room is just across the
courtyard from ours. Soon we hopped back in the car to head out for
dinner. We drove to an Outback Steakhouse about four miles away.
There was a one-hour wait. Ouch! We headed back toward the hotel,
scouring the streets for restaurants along the way. A TGI Fridays
near the Wyndham caught our eye and we had a nice dinner there. We
were back “home” by 8:45. Carol spent some time visiting with
friends Susan and Carrie while the chauffeur took a soothing dip in
the hot tepid tub. Aaahh! Even though it was only
moderately warm it still felt good. There were no pin traders
trading in the lobby so before long Carol joined me for a soak.
At about 10:00 we headed back to the room where we read and played
on the computer for a while before bed. |
June 29, 2013
The downside to that whole “Early to bed, early to rise” thing is
the early rising part. Carol and I were both wide awake before 7:00
a.m. We sat around and wasted an hour before calling friends Susan
and Carrie. They met us for breakfast in the hotel at about 8:15.
On the way back to our rooms we picked up tickets for the event
which opened at 10:00 a.m. Some people had prepaid an “Early Bird
Fee” of $15.00 and were allowed to enter the ballroom at 8:30 and
enjoy 90 minutes of shopping before the rest of us were admitted. |
At 10:00 the president of the Dayton Chapter of the Disneyana Fan
Club cut the ribbon to officially open the show and we rushed
through the door and into the ballroom. As we filed in our friend
Gabe, who took advantage of early entry, marched out with a huge
smile and several large bags! He was obviously a happy collector! |
Carol and Rob just didn’t know where to start! They were in some
sort of Disney heaven and they had difficulty figuring out how to
attack the huge mound of treasure facing them. |
I wandered up and down the aisles taking pictures of the wide array
of Disney merchandise and collectibles. There really was everything
from soup to nuts. Wow!
There were plates and spoons, cups and glasses, clocks and watches.
There were comic books, magazines, coloring books, toys, framed
pictures, cels, figurines, games and collectibles in varieties too
many to mention. |
Naturally there were pins and vinylmations!
There were movies and movie posters, VHS and DVD videos, LP’s, CD’s
and video games. |
There were brand new items and there were some dating back to the
1930’s. It’s really hard to comprehend the variety and diversity of
goods on sale. The pictures tell the story though! |
Disneyana Fan Club originated as The
National Fantasy Fan Club
(NFFC) in 1984 and now has over 25 chapters across the
country & around the world.
The Plane Crazy Chapter in Dayton, who host this show, began about
10 years ago as “Pin Trading By The Pond” when a few friends
gathered to trade pins beside one of the trader’s backyard koi
ponds. The next year it grew so much that they had to book a room
to house the event. Since then it has grown into a wonderful two
day extravaganza for Disney collectors and traders. Last year they
hosted over 400 guests. |
By the time I had made my first circuit of the room snapping
pictures Carol had filled a couple of bags. She and Rob, who also
had a bag full, were sporting big smiles. I took the bags to our
room and dropped them off, freeing up their hands for more shopping!
I continued to wander, this time taking fewer pictures and allowing
plenty of time to admire the merchandise. It was even more amazing
when I took time to actually consider what my eyes were seeing. I
was nowhere near as excited as Carol and Rob, but I could understand
why they were so enthusiastic. |
The next time I crossed paths with Carol she took my arm and dragged
me to a nearby table. Those words I had been expecting rolled off
her lips, “That’s it – that’s exactly what I want for my birthday.”
I bought the three Disney Classic Collection figurines she pointed
out, packed them in the big bag she had partly filled while I was
gone, wished her Happy Birthday, and took another big load to the
room. |
When I returned at about 12:30 the pin traders were starting to take
their positions at tables in the hallway outside the ballroom.
Carrie and I hopped in the car and made a mad dash to a nearby
Wendy’s restaurant. We were back with lunch for all in our group
and I wolfed mine down then ran down the hall (OK . . . it was more
of a quick limping shuffle) to listen to the speakers who were
beginning their presentations in the atrium at 1:15 p.m. |
I arrived just as Jim Korkis was beginning. Jim is an
internationally respected Disney Historian who has written hundreds
of articles about all things Disney for more than three decades. He
is a former Walt Disney World cast member and is now a regular guest
blogger on AllEars. Jim focussed on the classic old Disney movie
The Song Of The South which has been removed from the US and
Canadian markets for many years. |
He told a number of interesting and amusing stories about the movie
and about his interaction with many of the actors who appeared in
it. Jim is passionate about Disney and his zeal is infectious.
When he speaks, he grabs your attention and he doesn’t let go. If
you get a chance to hear Jim speak, do not pass it up! |
Next up to the podium was Jim Hill, an award-winning entertainment
writer from Boston who written extensively about The Walt Disney
Company. He is a very captivating speaker as well. Jim Hill’s
focus was more “future oriented”; he began by telling us how Disney
“dropped the ball” during negotiations with J.K. Rowling. As a
result of a fumble by Disney Imagineers The Wizarding World of Harry
Potter was built at Universal rather than at Walt Disney World.
What a shame! |
In Jim’s opinion that faux pas led to the big changes and
improvements we have seen in Fantasyland. He spoke at length
describing the changes will we see at Walt Disney World in years to
Will Star Wars Land be coming to Florida? Yes! Jim
gave us some interesting glimpses of what current plans include.
Will Avatar Land be coming to Florida? Yes! It may
take some time to get done, but it is included in current plans.
Will Cars Land be coming to Florida? Yes! It will
not include Luigi’s Flying Tires – they cannot dig deep enough to
install the underground fans needed for the attraction. The water
table in Florida is simply too high to allow the necessary
The two Jims spent over a half hour answering questions from the
audience; it was a lively and humorous Q & A session. |
Carol and all her pin trading buddies were firmly settled in the
hallway outside the ballroom when I returned. I said a quick hello
as I passed by, on my way to talk some more with the pair of Jims.
They had set up in the ballroom where Jim Korkis was selling copies
of his two books. I bought a copy of each and Jim signed (and
illustrated) them for me. |
Throughout the day
there were silent auctions, door prize draws, children’s games and a
charity draw for beautiful Disney themed quilt. There was always
something interesting going on! |
Carol, Rob and the gang continued to trade until almost 6:00 p.m.
then took a break for dinner. We had a nice meal at the little
restaurant in the hotel; then they went back to the trade tables.
They had a good day trading, there were plenty of pins,
vinylmations, buttons and even a few Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom
cards changing hands. Everyone seemed happy with their trades when
they finally called it quits at 9:45 p.m. These traders sure have a
lot of stamina! |
Before bed Carol confided that there are still a few more
collectibles she has her eye on. I anticipate a few more purchases
tomorrow. The doors open at 10:00 a.m. and we plan to get away by
about noon to begin our trip home. It’s a holiday weekend in Canada
and we want to be home for Canada Day celebrations on Monday. |
June 30, 2013
The Sunday schedule was almost an exact duplicate of the Saturday
programme. The ballroom full of vendors opened at 10:00 a.m. and
the two Jims each made another presentation, with fresh topics,
beginning at 1:15 p.m. I thoroughly enjoyed both their
presentations on Saturday and I was disappointed that I could not
stay to enjoy the second session.
We met Susan and Carrie for breakfast and all of us were waiting
outside the ballroom when the doors opened. We had all walked
around the tables at least a dozen times on Saturday . . . there
shouldn’t have been anything new to see . . . but there was! There
was just so much merchandise on display that you could not take it
all in. |
While Carol and Rob shopped, I spent some time chatting with
Disneyana Fan Club Dayton Chapter President Gary DesCombes, Disney
Fan Club National President Gary Schaengold and his wife Anita who
is part of the team of about 18 volunteers who make this great,
family friendly event happen year after year.
They passed on some interesting facts. I thought our 606 mile trip
from Kingston (500 miles as the crow flies) was a long journey, but
it is nothing compared to some others. This year there were guests
from as far away as Chicago and North Carolina, as the crow flies
they are 225 miles and 500 miles distant respectively. We are about
tied with the North Carolina folks for this year’s distance record!
But we pale in comparison with the group of 12 who attended from
California last year and the lady who has flown in from Japan to
attend, not once but twice!
Some of the vendors travel long distances to the show as well.
Theme Park Connection of Winter Garden Florida hauled a truckload of
goods about 775 miles from their store just north of Walt Disney
World. |
Carol had planned to take a quick lap of the ballroom to pick up
those last few items she mentioned the previous night, then settle
in for some trading in the hallway. Two hours later she and Rob
were still in the ballroom. Some of the merchandise had been marked
down . . . I suppose it’s easier to sell it than it is to pack it up
and take it back home.
There was plenty of haggling going on; prices seemed to be more
flexible as the end of the weekend drew nearer! |
Two representatives from PinPics.com, Anthony and
Samantha Medina, arrived about noon and spent the rest of the
afternoon chatting with the many avid pin traders in the crowd. I
spent a few minutes yakking with Samantha and then began the
difficult task of dragging Carol and Rob away from the vendor’s
tables. |
Carol made a few very quick pin trades before we hopped in the car
to begin our trek home. We pulled onto northbound Interstate 75 at
12:40 p.m. Traffic was moving very well, there was hardly a
slowdown, even in Detroit. We crossed the Ambassador Bridge and
returned to “Our Home And Native Land” at 5:00 p.m.
Traffic in Canada was also lighter than we anticipated and we made
great time. There were a few very quick stops for fuel and coffee
and we arrived home at 10:30, about 90 minutes earlier than we had
expected. We were tired after a long day on the road but Carol and
Rob were still all pumped up about the event and the treasures they
They agreed that it’s an event we will definitely return to.
Because of the distance it may not be an annual event, but we will
definitely attend periodically. |
Here are the treasures Carol brought home. |
Her most cherished “find” is this Olszewski figurine which Rob
picked up in the silent auction. |
Rob had a pretty nice pile of loot too! |
His favourite is this Fantasia themed Mickey Mouse clock. We added
a fresh battery and it’s ticking away! |
If you are an avid Disney fan and a collector of Disneyana then
Dayton Disneyana should be on your to-do list. Next year’s event is
tentatively planned for Father’s Day weekend, June 14 – 15, 2014.
These dates are not yet firm, check the Disneyana Fan Club web site
before finalizing your plans.
The National web site is:
The Plane Crazy Chapter site is:
Like them on Facebook at:
What will you find if you attend? We were pleasantly surprised by
the attractive hotel rates, $81.00 a night in 2013. The event
registration was a mere $5.00 for a 2 day adult pass, or $3.00 for a
1 day pass. The merchandise was varied, plentiful and good
quality. This is not a flea market and the vendors are not selling
junk and trinkets.
The vendors are friendly, approachable and most are die-hard Disney
fans just like you and I. Of course all of the other attendees are
kindred Disney spirits too. It’s a totally immersive experience and
you will feel right at home, we sure did!
Maybe Carol and I will see you there some day? |