guess I have always had a love for bears. My mother tells me that
even as a small child, I would not go to sleep until all my teddy
bears were safely lined up around the crib. If even one were
missing my parents would have to search frantically until it was
started collecting teddy bears many years ago, it was really quite
unplanned. Dickens was a bear that my then teenage son had bought
for his girl friend in 1986. When they broke up she returned the
bear, he didn’t want it so I said I’d take it.

- the bear who started it all

couple of Pooh Bears by Gund
mother and I had gone to Walt Disney World and every time we
walked through the shops there was a Winnie the Pooh bear that I
kept picking up and hugging. It was incredibly soft and just
needed to be squeezed. She had wanted to buy me a keepsake gift as
a reminder of the trip so the bear became that gift. That was back
in August 1990.
Pooh bear came home with me and shared a spot in a rocking chair
with the Gund bear named Dickens. So now I had two bears and the
start of a collection. |
time between then and 1993, I believe I had purchased several
bears that caught my eye but the serious collecting didn’t start
until, by chance, we were at Walt Disney World in November 1993
during the annual Doll and Teddy Bear Convention. That’s when I
learned about one of a kind bear’s, limited edition bears, hand
made bears and of course mohair bears. I was hooked!
collection grew, as my pocket book would allow, with what I call
my “collectable bears”. It also grew in
leaps and bounds with "off the shelf" bears that were
cute, cuddly or just looking like they need a home. My friends and
family started purchasing bears as gifts and soon the house was
over-run with furry creatures. My son and parents knew all about
my love for the "collectable bear" so my collection grew every
birthday and Christmas. |

A water colour by
Janice Keirstead, a local artist

A Mary Meyer Green
Mountain Bear and a couple of Boyd's Bears
the time I moved to Burlington to be with Gary the number of bears
was probably close to 300. They were everywhere in the house. It
was time to part with some of my friends but since I had an
attachment to them, it wasn’t an easy feat.
“collectables” were nicely housed in a cabinet that Gary had
built for me; they were protected from the elements and kept quite
pristine. The others required regular vacuuming and dusting. I
knew I had to cull my collection. As I started the cull I
vacuumed each one and decided if it was a keeper or if it had to
go. I ended up with about 100 bears ready to be shipped to a
mission in Northern Canada.
following year another cull was made and about 70 bears went to
the Emergency Assistance Team in Ontario, the bears traveled with
police and firemen and were given to children. Over the years that
I have culled my collection I have donated hundreds of bears to
charities that deal with children in distress, and to other worthy
causes. No bear should go unloved, so I am happy to give
them to someone who will love them. |

The Bear House in my

More of the Bear
House in my den
my den, where I spend a lot of time at my computer, I have a large
oak cabinet where I keep my most precious pals, my "collectable
bears". They are all limited editions or one of a kind
bears, hand made by some of my favourite bear artists. There
are also some manufactured bears such as: Boyd's Bears, Merrythought,
Gund, Hermann, Stief, Canterbury and Mary Meyers. |

Some Boyd's Bears

A Mary Meyer Green
Mountain Bear
also have a few Cherished Teddies, they are so cute and hard to
resist. My collection is unique since I got most of them at Disney
when the creator, Pricilla Hillman was there signing them. |

Cherished Teddys by
Priscilla Hillman

Boyd's Bears in my
mother's doll stroller (1930's)

My favourite bear -
Priscilla by Anne Horne

Merrythought Bears -
Jeremy & Isabelita

Shotzi Bears by Sue

Bears by Valerie -
Alexia, Bradley, Buffy & Dozer

Hermann Bears

Merrythought -
Titanic Bear

Pandas - left, Dean
Bears - centre, From the Heart Creations
right, a Gund
Signature Bear named Black Jack

Annette Funicello

Oberon by Jazz Bears

A world of miniature

A miniature Santa
bear - hand made and fully jointed
He's 2 3/4 inches
tall . . .
if you look around the house these days you will not see quite so
many bears, but you would be hard pressed to go into a room that
doesn’t have at least a couple of bears tucked in some where.
collection has grown to the point where I am now quite fussy about
my bears. I only add very special ones to my collection . .
. bears that speak to me and say, "Take me home!" |

There are bears