have always been a part of my life, the first dog I ever had was a cross
between a Pekinese and Terrier. Her name was Binky and she was a
birthday gift from our landlady on my first birthday. Old Bink lived to
be 18 years old. The next dog I owned was a white Miniature Poodle named
Toby, a Christmas gift from my aunt, he lived to the grand old age of 17
years. My next dog was
Jackie, a mixed breed as well, she was a hand me down from a family that
could no longer keep her. I was never sure of her age but I know she was
well in the teens when she passed on. My dogs all seemed to live longer
than normal dog lives.
came Willy, he was actually a Valentine’s gift but I picked him out.
He was a cross between a Lhasa Apso and a Spoodle, I brought him home
when he was 8 weeks old and he was just the cutest little ball of fluff.
He was a very special dog, loving and good tempered and very very
cuddly. He was with me for 18 years. While I had Willy I thought that it
would be good to have company for him when I worked all day so I got
Sam, a white Lhasa Apso. He actually was more my son’s dog than mine,
he was cute but temperamental.
I moved from Kingston to Burlington in 1998, I had to leave Sammy, who
was then 16 years old behind. By that time Sammy was deaf and
blind and it just didn't seem right to take him to strange new
surroundings where he would have trouble navigating. Particularly
since Gary had three cats and a swimming pool. So Sammy moved to
my parent's home where he was able to get around without bumping into
furniture. They had
him for another 2 years.
without a dog was difficult for me, and it became more difficult in the
autumn of 1998 when my son Rob so proudly showed me his new puppy Ziggy,
a Shetland Sheepdog with blue merle markings. The more fun we had
with Ziggy, the more I craved a dog of my own. It didn't seem fair
to leave a young puppy alone all day while Gary and I commuted to work
in Toronto, but nonetheless I wanted a blue merle puppy!

broke down just before Christmas in 2000 when I found an adorable
Shetland Sheepdog puppy needing a home. It was 2 days before
Christmas and he was all-alone in a big cage in a pet shop. Zak just had
to come home with me. He wasn’t the blue merle that I wanted, he
was a sable colour, but this wonderful little puppy was full of energy.
From the day we brought him home all he wanted to do was play and chase
a ball. We still have to warn our guests that if they throw the
ball once they had better be prepared to play with him for hours.
He just doesn't tire out! Zak also has an unusual trait for a
Sheltie, he loves the water. A day at the beach, chasing his ball
and swimming is a real treat for Zak.
course, a house is not complete with only one dog, and I still wanted a
blue merle so off we went in search of a puppy. Zoë came home
with us in July 2001. She is almost the direct opposite of Zak.
He is affectionate and seeks attention . . . she is a loner and likes
her solitude most of the time. Zak loves to chase his ball .
. . Zoë will occasionally find the energy to slowly amble around the
yard and through the garden. Of course, this changes if she should
happen to see a squirrel, then she becomes very
and gives chase. The same applies for birds and aircraft.
Apparently our property is a "no-fly-zone" and any birds or
low flying planes will be vigorously chased away. Helicopters are
a particular menace and get extra attention from Zoë |


son Rob now has two shelties, Ziggy and Daizy, both blue merles, and my
parents have a black and white bi-colour sheltie, Maggie Mae. When
the family gets together, it's a real houseful!
Oh and not to be forgotten, is our cat Fluffy, just to add to the
dogs bring a great deal of joy and laughter to our lives, and I hope you
will enjoy these pictures of them.





In 2008 we lost son Rob's
dog Ziggy, the patriarch of our sheltie pack! We missed him dearly
so it wasn't long until Jak came along to help fill the void. He
moved in with Rob in September and quickly fit in with our canine
Jak is a real character
and we all have trouble keeping up with him.
2010 we lost our Zoë. She was diagnosed with kidney disease and
we nursed her with special diet and medications for a year but, as always,
her time still came all too soon.
again there was a void . . . but once again it was soon filled.
hello to Blue!
In September
2014 our loyal friend Zak went over the rainbow bridge. He was a
wonderful companion for fourteen years and our hearts were heavy when it
came time for him to go. We decided to wait a while before looking
for a new puppy, but Blue was just so lonely that we reconsidered. |
Jake joined our family in November 2014. |
In the fall of 2017 we adopted nine year-old Jak.
He had visited so many times with our son Rob that it was a fairly easy
transition for everyone.
Jak and four year-old Jake enjoy playing together; we
often chuckle as they chase each other all around the house, racing as
fast as they can, while Blue sits on the couch, growling occasionally.
We suspect that Blue thinks he's refereeing! |
Every August we take the dogs to the Kingston Sheep
Dog Trials at Grass Creek Park, about 10 miles from our home.
Herders from all across North America come with their dogs to compete.
We have been told that herders consider this a very prestigious
event to win!
The dogs curl up and sleep under our lawn chairs
while we watch the herders, but Jake really comes to life when we take
him to the Lure Course!
It's an obstacle course with a 'lure' which the dogs
try too catch. As the dogs chase the lure around zig-zag the
course they have to jump over hurdles and through rings. You can
see Jake clearing a hurdle in the picture on the left!
Jak and Blue don't much care about chasing the lure,
they're happy to be spectators . . . but we have trouble holding Jake
back as he waits his turn! |
As every pet owner know, the hardest thing about
having pets is saying goodbye. Yet it is inevitable!
In June 2020 Jak was diagnosed with cancerous tumours
in his liver and we were heartbroken when we were forced to make the
merciful decision to help our precious Jak over the rainbow bridge. |
Just a year later, in June 2021, Blue was also
diagnosed with cancer.
Even though you know in your heart that the decision
to end their pain and discomfort is the the greatest gift you can give
your loyal friends, it is always a gut-wrenching ordeal.
Goodbye dear Blue! |
We've had two or more dogs for so long that the house
seemed quiet, sometimes almost empty with only Jake to keep us company.
Since we're getting to the age where we have to wonder if a new pet
might outlive us, we talked about a companion for Jake and more or less
decided that we were probably better off with just one pet.
Then Carol took a look at the web site of the breeder
where we found both Blue and Jake, and a 14-week-old sheltie, a black
tri-coloured boy caught her eye.
Within just a couple of days Jasper came home to join
our happy family! The best laid plans of mice and men . . . . |
Jasper has already enjoyed his first camping trip in
the RV and he's looking forward to visiting Walt Disney World in the
very near future.
Jake has told him all about the golf cart rides to
the dog park! |
Fast-forward to April 2022.
Jasper is now almost a year old and he has spent a lot of time traveling
with us in the motor home. He really enjoys camping - especially
the dog parks! |
.jpg) |
He isn't the least bit timid
around other dogs and he just loves to run and play! |
Jake plays
with Jasper now and then, but a puppy
has a lot
more stamina than an 'old-timer'. |